Meet Shanda – Sr. VP at our Main Bank! Shanda is grateful for her health and is inspired by her family’s legacy – in fact her dad was a banker for 37 years. Shanda loves to organize and decorate and completing tasks gives her a sense of responsibility. How do you like to start your day?Devotions / Quiet Time Who …

Meet Sandra – Customer Service Representative / New Accounts in Fredonia. Sandra likes to start her day with a shower and says her biggest pet peeve is negativity. She’d love to have dinner with Elvis and says the theme song to her life is, “Maniac.” How do you like to start your day?Shower to wake up Who has influenced you …

Meet Shawn, Operations Assistant in Independence. Shawn starts his day with a cup of coffee and says he’s most influenced by his dad and wife. His biggest pet peeve at work is the phone ringing and if he could have anything at work it would be a “designated phone answerer.” Shawn says he’s inspired to continue learning and the best …

Christy, Vice President / Retail Banking Manager starts her day talking to her puppy! Christy says her work ethic has been influenced by her parents and is inspired by the employees she works with. Her biggest pet peeve is cludder and say the coolest thing about her job is that it is relaxed and she feels like she can be …

Meet Chad, Market President at Fredonia. Chad likes to start his day early and says his dad influenced him the most when it comes to work ethic. Chad says he’s driven to be the best banker in town and has always had an interest in banking. The best gift he’s received is his two daughters and when not at the …



Meet Jon, Assistant Retail Banking Manager at Independence, Main Branch. Jon says his work ethic can be attributed to his family and especially his dad. Jon strives to ensure he is doing what is best for his customers and if he has a super power, he says he wishes he was a human lie-detector. Jon says in his free time, …

How do you like to start your day? Being happy and grateful  Who has influenced you the most when it comes to your work ethic? My Dad  What drives you to work hard My family What inspires you at work? Everyone around me What drove you down this career path? I was offered a job at the bank many years …

How do you like to start your day? Walk with my dog and then a cup of coffee. Who has influenced you the most when it comes to your work ethic? My longtime mentor and friend Jim Koch. What drives you to work hard My family. What inspires you at work? Helping people achieve their dreams. What drove you down …



Business Questions How do you like to start your day? COFFEE!!! Who has influenced you the most when it comes to your work ethic? Ancestors/Parents What drives you to work hard My families pride in the work they did was instilled in me a young age. What inspires you at work? Never want to disappoint! What drove you down this …

How do you like to start your day? Drinking coffee! Who has influenced you the most when it comes to your work ethic? My Dad most definitely the most! I am fortunate to have been influenced by many wonderful people! What drives you to work hard? Taking care of our bank, our customers and such good co-workers. I do not …