Mavers was selected for the award from nominations from coworkers. The Nation Meyer Innovative Banker Award honors bankers who are working toward the betterment of banking in their community. Mavers is responsible for a wide breadth of duties within FirstOak Bank’s operations while overseeing IT operations for every branch. In her spare time, Mavers also volunteers her time to the …

Exciting news! We have updated our online banking export options for QuickBooks and Quicken. Financial Institution name Customer Service phone number Home page URL Enrollment URL Services supported (additions or subtractions) **If you use Qucken to see the latest changes you will need to do a One-Step Update in the Quicken Windows product to get the latest changes to appear …

In the early days of civilization, we paid for things with the barter system.  Then there was cash and credit cards.  Now payments are transitioning more into the web enabled world – through services like PayPal, Apple, Amazon and more.   All three platforms including PayPal, Apple Pay and Amazon Pay were developed as a trusted e-commerce web based platform and also have …

Kudos to Brad Oakes our CEO on his recent appointment to Chairman of the Banker’s Bank of Kansas. Bankers Bank services the Majority of Kansas’s community banks statewide, and is an integral partner to the future of community banking.

Skimming is form of identity theft involving debit cards.  Skimming is accomplished in a number of ways but always involve capturing both the information on the magnetic strip on your debit card and your pin you use to complete a debit transaction. Thieves place electronic devices over top of debit ATM machine swipers to intercept the information that is stored on …

Here are 5 Ways to Save in 2018! 1. Make your coffee at home According to Business Insider, if you buy coffee you spend $1-$5/cup whereas brewing a cup of coffee at home costs ~17 cents/cup. In other words, purchasing coffee every work day costs you $240-$1200/year and making your own coffee only costs about $45/year. Brewing coffee at home …